Knightmare Chess Steel Cage Death Match Log White 1 -- played "Onslaught" -- moved pawns a7-a6, b7-b6, c7-c6, d7-d6, e7-e6, f7-f6, g7-g6 and h7-h6. Black 1 -- pawn d2-d4, played "Challenge," named Rook. White 2 -- rook h8-h7. Black 2 -- pawn h2-h4, played "Dungeon," moved rook a8-h8. White 3 -- pawn g7-g5. Black 3 -- pawn h4-h5, played "Fortification," created barrier between g7/g8 and h7/h8. White 4 -- pawn g5-g4. Black 4 -- played "Squaring the Circle," moved rook a1-a8. White 5 -- knight b8-d7. Black 5 -- queen e1-c3. White 6 -- played "Holy War," moved knight d7-c8 and bishop c8-d7. Black 6 -- pawn e2-e4. White 7 -- played "Dark Mirror," pawn g4-h5, taking pawn. Black 7 -- knight g1-f3. White 8 -- pawn c6-c5. Black 8 -- bishop f1-a6, taking pawn. White played "Revenge," removed black pawn a2. White 9 -- queen e8-g6, played "Earthquake," turned board 90 degrees clockwise, promoted pawns at h5 and h6 to queens. Black 9 -- rook h1-h5, taking queen. White 10 -- played "Betrayal," converted pawn at b2 from black to white. Then queen h6-c1, taking bishop, check. Black 10 -- king d1-e2. White 11 -- pawn b2-c3, taking queen. Black 11 -- Played "Charge!", knight f3-e5-g6, taking queen. White 12 -- rook h7-h5, taking rook; played "Siege," swapping rook h8-g8 and knight g8-h8. Black 12 -- bishop a6-c8, taking knight; played "Anathema," swapping white rook g8-d7 and white bishop d7-g8. White 13 -- queen c1-c2, taking pawn. Check. Black 13 -- king e2-f3, played "Forbidden City," creating dead spot at c7. White 14 -- played "Bombard," rook d7-d4, taking pawn. Black 14 -- played "Passing in the Night," swapped black pawn f2-b6 and white pawn b6-f2; then pawn b6-a6, promoted to queen. White 15 -- rook h5-h3. Check. Black 15 -- king f3-f4, played "Peace Talks," cancelling "Earthquake" effects, restoring board to proper orientation. White 16 -- queen c2-e4, taking pawn. Checkmate. Black 16 -- knight b1-a3, played "Coup." King at f4 is now "Prince" (moves like king, but not the target of checkmate), knight at a3 is new "King" (still moves like knight, but must be checkmated for opponent to win). White 17 -- played "Ghostwalk," bishop f8-b4. Check. Black 17 -- knight/king a3-b5. White 18 -- pawn f2-f1, promoted to queen. Check. Black 18 -- knight/king b5-a7. White 19 -- queen e4-a8, taking rook. Checkmate. Black played "Think Again!", forcing white to make a different move. Queen f1-a6, taking queen. Check. Black 19 -- bishop c8-b7, played "Rebirth," moved white queen a6-e8. Check. White 20 -- queen e4-g6, taking knight; played "Figure Dance," moving black rook a8-a1 and white knight h8-a8. Black 20 -- bishop b7-a8, taking knight; played "Cathedral," swapping bishop a8-a1 and rook a1-a8. Check. White played "Hostage," returning captured knight to e6, losing pawn instead. White 21 -- king d8-e7. Black 21 -- rook a8-e8, taking queen. Check. White 22 -- queen g6-e8, taking rook. Black 22 -- pawn g2-h3, taking rook. White 23 -- queen e8-a8. Check. Black played "Knightmare!", forcing White to take move back and make a different move. Rook d4-f4, taking prince. Black 23 -- played "Riposte!", removing white rook at f4 from board and putting black prince in its place. White 24 -- queen e8-a8. Check. Black 24 -- knight/king a7-b5. White 25 -- knight e6-d4. Checkmate. Black 25 -- prince f4-e5. Played "Fireball," destroying prince, white knight at d4 and white pawns at d6 and f6. White 26 -- queen a8-a5. Checkmate. Black has no response. GAME OVER!