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Fencer Attack

An Ogre scenario

by Steve Jackson

Copyright © 1993 by Steve Jackson Games. All rights reserved.

This is an Ogre scenario rather than an Ogre Miniatures scenario. Though of course it would adapt easily.

This scenario is played on the original Ogre map. It's a variation of the classic "Advanced" (Mark V) scenario.

Attacking Force

A single Paneuropean Fencer, escorted by four GEVs, entering from the bottom of the map after the defense sets up, and moving first.

Defending Force

Exactly as per the Ogre advanced scenario: 20 armor units, 30 infantry, set up as described in the Ogre rules. However, the defender gets two targets to protect: one CP, one jamscreen. Either can be completely destroyed either by ramming or by one shot from any of the Fencer's weapons, including its AP. The defender should place one in each top corner of the map.

Special Rules

The GEVs can destroy the CP or jamscreen by weapon fire but not by ramming them; they're not that flimsy.

Victory Conditions

These are based wholly on the survival (or escape) of the Fencer, and the destruction (or survival) of the two objectives:

  • Fencer destroys both objectives and escapes: Unbelievable victory.
  • Fencer destroys both objectives and is destroyed: Victory.
  • Fencer destroys one objective and escapes: Marginal victory.
  • Fencer destroys one objective and is destroyed: Marginal defeat.
  • Fencer destroys no objectives but escapes: Ignominious retreat.
  • Fencer destroys no objectives and is destroyed: Total humiliation.

For tournament play, a match should consist of two games, so that each player attacks once and defends once. The winner is the player who scores better as the attacker. As a tiebreaker, keep track of damage to the Fencers and armor units, to determine who did marginally better in a close match.

Adjusting Game Balance

The most interesting way to adjust the balance is to vary the number of escorting GEVs on the attacking side. A more subtle adjustment is to allow the defender to use Mobile Howitzers and Light Tanks as well as the original Ogre armor units; this gives the defense more flexibility. Light GEVs are not recommended for this scenario; if the defender can use a "Fuzzy Wuzzy" strategy, with a dozen or more LGEVs, the Fencer will run out of missiles before it swats all the gnats!

Strategy Notes

The Fencer is not a melee fighter; it's a long-distance sniper. If the defenders can mob it, its missile racks will soon be gone. The escorting GEVs can be valuable out of proportion to their firepower, either as a screen or as a separate maneuver element to provide a distraction and keep the defender from concentrating his forces.

The defender, in turn, should try to concentrate his units and surround the invading cybertank, while keeping enough reserves to protect against an end run by the GEVs. Good use of the slow, short-range infantry can make the difference in this game.

Unlike the Mark III and Mark V scenarios, this game rarely comes down to the wire, with a crippled cybertank straining to move that one last hex to its goal. Either the Fencer is crippled long before it threatens its second objective, or it waltzes all over the defenders.

Playtesters: Marlin Stout, Stephen Zeigler.

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